I raise my glass
To bloodied lips
bloodied by my own

Began this text
to be heard once
before my lips be sown

I write my last
with fingertips
slid along this knife

Last futile gasp
perhaps turn back
lay down this crimsoned knife

To late, I say
You did me so
You placed me here, where I am

You harlot, you whore
You harlequin, slut
disguised in this fleece of a lamb

“You promised me
that things
would never
get like this

Now after all
what you
have done
is only this

You kept me here
told me to stay
and so I did,
now what's this

You've left me out

You promised me
that you
could make
me feel the same

Told me to wait
Told me to call
Told me your name

Well, here I am
sky's turned to rain
I call it quits,
your stupid game

Don't think I know
don't think I think
don't think you see

What else is left
what can you do
but bury me

You cut the skin
you broke the bone
you ate me through

I can't complain,
what fool I was
I trusted you

Guess you're right…..
It's all my fault”

It has to be!
what else could be?
I've ceased to see out clear

I'm running dry
my blood, oh my
seems beginning to smear

The letter's drenched
the words gone haze
this seemed a smart good bye

she won't make out
what I tried to say!
I hate you, I loved you, a lie….