I'm a cellphone
dialled numbers

he screams into my ear
I scream back
but battery's low
3 tones
nothing more

I wake up again
but still tired
he starts poking me
he starts yelling again
I can't yell back
give me a change to recharge

he pokes me again
give me a change to recharge
he pokes he yells
he throws me into the garbage
he didn't give me a change to recharge

A kid picks me up
he recharges me
oh thank you sweet lord
someone giving me change
I'll repay him by not screaming back
but whisper instead

I'm full of life
I'm so happy
I could be played snake on for days

the kid picks me up
pokes me
I don't care
screams in my ear
I whisper back to him

a few days later
recharged once again
happy, livelong
something like duracell

the kid takes me to a man
the man has some kind of tools
he starts taking me apart
ouch it hurts
stop it
leave me alone

all I wanted was
a change to recharge
not a fix
what's wrong with me?
answer me, what's wrong

I cry
so much I can't talk
not breath
not hear

he stops recharging me
I'm on the garbage again
been here for a day
but noones picking me up
please pick me up

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