hér kem ég með eitt ljóð, sem finnst kannski eitt það fallegasta sem ég hef samið, en kannski er það bara af því að mér finnst það svo persónulegt. veit ekki. en fyrsta erindið þekkið þið örugglega öll, ég fékk innblástur ur þessu lagi en man ekki hvað lagið heitir. það er svoldið langt þetta ljóð, kannski frekar langdregið, en sumu er erfitt að sleppa, og það má kannski segja það sama um manneskjuna sem ég orti ljóðið um.
I wish I could just make you turn around,
turn around and see me cry.
There's so much I need to say to you
so many reasons why.
I wish I could just let you walk away
and leave me here without a tear.
Why did you bother to call me backthen
when you only made me cry.
I thought that you really liked me then,
but you were only playing games.
I really hate you just for doing that
but really you dont know why.
I never told you the reasons why
I wanted you to stay
I couldn't say ,,I love you dear“
Though I wanted you to know
I really hate myself for loving you
and I was told you would make me cry.
But I didn't wanted to belief in them
cause I thought you'd love me to.
I wish I could just take a look at you,
just to see you for one last time.
I could see who really made me cry
and I could say to you ,,goodbye”.
But I know that's just impossible
cause I know you don't want to lie.
You would say to me ,, I love you dear"
And I would say it to.
So take a look at me now,
cause you wont have another chance.
Cause I gotta live my life
and learn to live without you.
Now I know I gotta say goodbye,
so you could walk away.
But I wont promise there will be no tears,
and I will always love you dear.
So this is the last you hear of me,
please say you will miss me to.
I know I will miss you so much
but I gotta let you go.
So now I will just walk away
with a pickture of you in my heart.
spotta/ sept 2000