Ok, ég var að semja þetta og mig BRÁÐVANTAR álit einhvers!


Once long ago, in a lonely night
The greatest storm passed by.
For to sleep I had to fight,
So scared, I was starting to cry.

A thought came to my mind instead
Of the great storm passing by:
‘If you’d be here I wouldn’t be scared!’
I felt like I could fly.

I wanted it so much and bad
That this love would be true,
It made me feel so happy and glad
To only think of you.

My loneliness was killing me.
In all my dreams I saw you,
And wished for to wake up and see
That dreams really do come true

For few months I was in love,
So happy, but now that’s by
I think that I just don’t deserve
To feel like I can fly.

Do I really deserve to be happy?
Or just to be at all?
They say ‘to be or not to be…’
But in love I just wanted to fall.

So now I’m already fallen for you
But is it worth to wait and see?
One thing I know, that love takes two,
But here it’s only me.

Er þetta of væmið, of langt eða finnst þér kannski eins og þetta sé bara alveg eins og öll hin ástarljóðin sem hafa verið samin í gegnum tíðina (sem eru örugglega mun fleiri en við getum giskað á)???

Pála D.
Fólk er fífl