I reached out and carelessly caressed the emptiness…..
a cold void now located where his body used to be…
Where he used to be…
It was a motion he had made thousands of times before
an instinctual reaction caused by a sleepy response
to his muscular body thick and hot..
breathing deeply, next to me
i ached horribly inside..
My heart was thunderously beathing abnormally
as i groped around in the darkness…
desperately searching to connect him
to pull him close…
smell him..
touch his skin…
feel his breath on my face
sink in the safety of his arms
to whisper how much i love him
after he would sleepily mumur my name…
that wont happen no more
my eyes slowly opened…
I stared out into oblivion
made painfully beautiful by his sadness..
as i bitter tears glistened like diamonds
on his cheek in the moonlight
while i was haunted by the image of him….
laving there…going away from me…
Cold and lifeless in that shell i was dieing away from him..
alive no more
my love was gone evermore
I burled his face into my pillow
drifting in the smell he had left behind
and wept until i was weak
Totally beaten down by his anger and grief
so lost without him…so utterly bereft
I sob for god to send him back to me
or let us be joined together again
forever….in death..
let him be mine forever more…..in my sorrow i cant be forever more

*Ég gerði þetta ljóð þegar sá sem ég elska svo heitt fór frá mér og skildi eftir holu í hjarta
mínu sem svo erfitt er að fylla uppí í dag…