<B>Spyder Xtra : kr. 19.900 hingað komin með öllu</B><BR>
* Vertical Feed System <BR>
* Aluminum 45 2 Finger Trigger w/ Guard <BR>
* Bottom-line set-up with Micro-line Hose <BR>
* Rear Cocking 2nd Generation Venturi Bolt <BR>
* Field Strippable Pin <BR>
* Sight Rail with Beavertail <BR>
* Anti-Double Feed <BR>
* 12" Micro-polished Barrel <BR>
* Low Pressure Chamber <BR>
* TL Velocity Adjuster <BR>
* Removable Gas-Thru Fore Grip <BR>
* Mini Expansion Chamber <BR>
* Newly Designed Cocking Grip <BR>
* Deluxe Drop Forward