Ion er alveg nýr merkjari og ekki mikil reynsla komin á hann, þó hann líti alveg glimrandi vel út á pappírnum.
Hér er dómur frá manni sem á og rekur litboltaverslun og verkstæði í uppsveitum New York fylkis.
Athugið, sá sem skrifar þetta er Autococker aðdáandi og hefur mjög lítið álit á öllu sem Smart Parts gerir, þannig að hann er ekki alveg hlutlaus, en vandamálið sem hann lýsir má alveg taka trúanlegt, sérstaklega það að taka þurfið gripramman af til að taka boltann úr, sem er slæmt þegar það þarf að þrífa chop.
Break beam augað ætti að minnka mjög hættuna á choppi, en gerir það aldrei alveg.
Now about the Ion. Who has actually seen one. I have !!!
You have to take the trigger frame off to get the bolt out(and this is a major u
ndertaking). Anybody that wants to make some cash buy lots of Ion internals. I w
atched as a our tech took a lot of time to take one apart for the 1st time and h
e is fast usually.
These things are a quagmire of bolts, hoses and wires. I guarantee you will see
these things ripped apart on rec ball benches everywhere. I hope you never chop
paint in one.
After opening that puppy up yesterday, we put in orders on the following:
Main Valves
Eye Harnesses
Hose (nope, it's not standard LP hose, thanks again SP….)
Hose Fittings
Internal Bodies
Reg Rebuild kits
Why so much? Simple, each and every one of those parts is vulnerable to damage when the gun is taken apart. Hell, people have trouble screwing the grip frames back on without stripping the threads, how well do you think they are going to dowith fittings that are being pulled to the side by the hose?