Fabien var að senda mér þennan póst til að kynna komu FaceFull #5. Það verður til sölu von bráðar og þá að öllum líkindum hjá Litbolta í Kópavogi (já það er verið að fara að opna núna á næstu dögum). Hér fylgir greininn.
We proudly present the new issue of Facefull magazine (#5), better than ever with its 212 jam-packed pages of paintball heaven. It is available now at all major distributors
Already renowned for its photographic excellence and impeccable layout, you will be smitten by this issue’s exclusive content. You will travel from Canada to Germany, California and back with special coverage of international tournaments like NPPL’s Los Angeles Open, the Millennium circuit’s own Maxs Masters and Toronto’s independent Skyball tournament, boasting its new pro section. Because pros were who we were after, between Afershock’s Greg Pozzi on strategy, Avalanche sharing intimate secrets about their team, and Tontons’ Fabrice Halmoné giving you the best technical advice on how to mix barrels with markers, and drive your team to victory.
Exclusive content also means in-depth profiles of Bud Orr (Worr Games Products), Arthur Chang (Kingman), Norway’s NBK (amateur Millennium winner 2001), and the one that revolutionized the paintball industry: Canada’s own Procaps, the company behind the little devil…
Due to popular demand, we’ve added a music, video games and gadget section, to complete our already impressive list of tests, gear, shopping, news, and expanding World book, with reports from New Zealand to Turkey! And yes, it’s true, world renowned Phong Luong Dien put aside his Manga comics to illustrate this issue’s paintball fashion. So what are you waiting for?