JT innkallar allar Proteus grímur JT hefur ákveðið að innkalla allar Proteus grímur sem framleiddar hafa verið til 1. Júní og skipta þeim út. Það virðist hafa komið fram galli í grímunni við eyrun og möguleiki á meiðslum. JT sendi frá sér eftirfarandi yfirlýsingu vegna málsins. Ég nennti ekki að þýða þetta en ef að einhver hefur fengið sér Proteus grímu þá er bara að senda hana til JT og þeir skipta henni út fyrir þig.

JT Proteus masks recalled

JT have just posted the following statement on their website:
“Retailers, Distributors, Consumers

JT has been in the business of product safety for the past 30 years. In our recent product launch of the Proteus mask, we discovered some material problems. There has been some cracking occurring around the ear pieces, which could cause a failure in the mask strap area. Please note the Proteus goggle itself, like all JT goggles, passed all ASTM standards and has been certified by the Protective Eyewear Certification Council (PECC). Although there have been no injuries we feel the Proteus mask is not up to JT’s high quality standards. Therefore we are replacing the Proteus with a new Proteus mask made of different materials. We therefore ask that you return (freight collect) any Proteus systems that you may have for a replacement system immediately. We ask that you pass this request on to any retail customers that may have purchased a Proteus system.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you. Thank you for your cooperation and support in this matter.


All grey smoke colored masks with clear ear pieces. All serial numbers and lot numbers dating prior to June, 2001.

Potential Hazard:

JT USA has received verified reports of Proteus paintball masks (but not lenses) cracking or breaking in the area around the ear. This could cause a potential for injury to the paintball player, if the plastic attached to the goggle strap should break. No reports of injuries have been received.

Recall Instructions:

1. Immediately cease using your Proteus Paintball Mask.

2. Return all old Proteus Masks freight collect to:

Recall Department
515 Main Street
Chula Vista, CA 91911


Call JT USA Customer Service at 1-800-587-2246 ext 250 or 227

3. Please include your name address for free Proteus mask replacement.

4. We have notified the Consumer Product Safety Commission of this recall.”