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1. Linus Torvalds can program without a keyboard
2. Since 1969, the year Linus Torvalds was born, software quality has increased 19.000 percent.
3. The commonest definition of the word programmer is Linus Torvalds
4. Linus Torvalds didin't learn from the University of Helsinki the University of Helsinki learned from Linus Torvalds.
5. Linus Torvalds finished the Linux Kernel the day before he started on it.
6. Linus Torvalds once developed a programming language so good that it makes python look like punch cards.
7. Linus Torvalds doesn't need to boot.
8. Linus Torvalds first written program had artificial intelligence.
9. Linus Torvalds doesn't receive error messages.
10. There is no theory of probability, just a list of events that Linus Torvalds allows to occur.
11. Linus Torvalds doesn't use a monitor. He can read the video signals from a VGA cable with his finger.
12. Linus Torvalds can write to ntfs.
13. Linus Torvalds can install gentoo in under a minute.
14. When Linus Torvalds writes new software, he just makes punch cards with his teeth and feeds them into a reader.
15. Linus Torvalds source codes complie themselfs.
16. When Linux Torvalds learned to program, the computer printed HELLO, WORLD by itself.
17. Linus was considered as being old and stable at 24, but new and bleeding edge at 26
18. Linus surfs the web using nothing but netcat
19. Linus Torvalds can play 3D games in his head by interpreting the source code in real-time.
20. Being touched by Linus can cure carpal tunnel syndrome. He does not cure RMS because he thinks it's funny to listen to RMS dictating code for the HURD.
21. Linus Torvalds only wears glasses to make him seem more human.