Fyrst að þú ert að tala um speedtouch router, og finnst hann súr þá vill ég benda á að ég sendi eitt sinn mail til þeirra um hvernig væri hægt að taka firewall og annað af á routernum.
Og fékk þetta til baka :)
Dear Bjornsson,
Thank You for posting your Request to SpeedTouch Helpdesk.
We summarise your request as follows, please correct us if the following information proves to be incorrect or if additional information may be useful in helping us to solve your issue:
Computer Model: Desktop
Operating System: LINUX
Modem: ST 510 R4.0
Problem: I'm having a problem to open a port with nat, I put local ip and port and all of that in the interface, and create it, but it never works. Can you people please give me a detailed manual to open ports for Thompson Speedtouch Router 510v4,
Solution: By default, the command line interface (CLI) of the modem is accessible with “telnet”. Basically, the “tcp” and the “udp” protocol are of interest here. Its, firstly, the firewall, secoundly, NAT (network adress translation) and , thirdly, if necessary of course, to know which ports have to be opened for certain software products. It could be useful to use FIXED private IP addresses, where necessary:
1. The inbuilt firewall: if necessary, “SINK” and “SOURCE” for udp and tcp with each port to be opened. There are about 20 parameters each (of which the most remain empty). If you do not want to configure it, this is how to switch the inbuilt firewall off:
=> ip config firewalling off
=> saveall
2. NAT (network address translation)
a) example for “eDonkey 2000” (X:Y NAT)
protocol = tcp
inside_addr =
[inside_port] = 4662
outside_addr =
[outside_port] = 4662
[foreign_addr] =
[foreign_port] =
=> saveall
will forward all packets with the destination port 4662 that arrive from the outside world (WAN) to a machine with the IP address on the internal network (LAN).
Default server is undefined
[nat]=>defserver addr=
Default server is
=> saveall
will forward ALL ports from the outside world to a single machine - word of warning - this would expose the machine to potential exploits, since all ports would be accessible, so it should be used with care.
http://www.speedtouch.com/pdf/510/st510_guide_en.pdf http://www.speedtouch.com/pdf/E-SIT-CTC-20021203-0003_v1.0_public.pdf Kind Regards,
Speedtouch Helpdesk
Heiko Grenz
kv. dabbtech