En allir þessir leikir eru góðir og sé ekki eftir að hafa fengið mér þá
There's a fungus amungus !
Þetta eru allt snilldarleikir.lol…
lol…Why did you lol'd? =)
Know this much: the slightly wonky control scheme is actually the least of Lair's problems.
- Eurogamer
Even if you could turn off the goodtime neutering Sixaxis controls – and you can't – the actual things you would be doing in the game would be a grab bag of neat and lame mechanics. Some levels will have you taking out troops on the ground via swipes or boats on the sea via fire, and that's fun. Other levels will have you fighting dragons, and that's lame.
That's right: the dragon fights in this dragon game are no good.
It's obvious that all the development effort went into Lair's production values, rather than into making it fun to play. It's often a stunner to look at, with environments that are huge and richly detailed. Its artistry is also dripping from every nook and cranny. Rolling hills, arid deserts, rocky seaside cliffs: All of these elements are rendered beautifully. When you throw in the splendor of distant aerial battles, undulating seas, and lovingly crafted dragons, you've got a gorgeous way to enjoy your high-definition display. But all this beauty comes at a cost. The frame rate dips and rises erratically–not enough to hinder gameplay usually, but it's an annoyance nonetheless. You'll also be treated to occasional screen tearing, seams in the geometry, and plenty of pop-up as objects get closer.
- Gamespot
rainbow sux:D