Gameboy Color Uppáhalds leikjatölvan mín fyrir utan PlayStation 1.
Hér fyrir neðan eru “specifications” á henni:

Nintendo GameBoy Color™ Technical Specifications

CPU: 4/8-bit Sharp Z80 work-alike at 8 MHz, 2 modes: Single (4 MHz) and Double (8 MHz)
RAM: 32 Kb
Cartridge RAM: 128 Kb
ROM: 64-MBit max
VRAM: 16 Kb
Sound: 4 Channels FM stereo, single mono speakers, Stereo headphones jack
Video: Display 160x144 pixels, highly reflective, Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) colour liquid crystal display made by Sharp
Colour Palette: 32,768 colours; Supports 10,32, or 56 simultaneous colours on-screen
Sprites: 40 sprites of either 8 x 8 or 8 x 16 (changeable); 10 Sprites per line; Sprites are 4 colours with one always transparent (3 diff colours max on 1 sprite); larger sprites possible
Tiles: 512 on screen
Serial: 512 Kbps; up to 4-up at a time
Power: 2 AA batteries provide 30+ hours, AC Adapter (DC 3V), Indicator LED
Input: 8 way D-Pad, 4 buttons, volume dial, power switch, Serial I/O, Infrared I/O, Cart I/O
IR: Less than 2 metres at 45 degrees
Size: Slightly larger than Game Boy Pocket

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