
Samkvæmt slúðrinu sem gengur í Japan þá eru Nintendo að fara að markaðsetja einhverskonar MMOG (massively-multiplayer online-gaming) stöff en ekki er vitað HVAÐ þetta er. En eitt hefur verið að ganga um forums að Nintendo séu að koma með 16-player multi-tap fyrir GameCube. En það er sennilega ekki fyrir MMOG, meira svona fyrir okkur SSBM-type-of-game nördana :) Eða hvað? Þetta virðist tengjast EITTHVAÐ stóru tilkynningunni núna í desember. Eru þeir að kynna Online-strategies? Virðist vera! LOKSINS! En hverjir skyldu leikirnir verða? Pokemon Online? Mario Kart Online? Uh… Metroid Online? Ég hef satt best að segja ekki hugmynd! Það vita það allir að Pokemon Online væri rosalegt fyrir litlu kallana í Japan en ég held að við vesturlandabúar værum ekki eins “sold”. So, what´s in the cookie jar? Zelda Online? Jæks… we could go on and on and on…

<b>News: Nintendo Registers MMORPG Patent</b>

It has been reported tonight Nintendo registered a patent for some sort of server for hosting On-Line games. Specifically, more like possibly, this server would be used for a “Massively Multiplayer On-Line Role-Playing-Game”, also known as a MMORPG. These kinds of games take place on-line with a wide amount of people playing. We haven’t been able to confirm this yet, but we have contacted Nintendo. Unfortunetly we weren’t able to get a reply before running this story. Again, none of this has been confirmed.

The website, Gamefront.de is where this information first appeared. The content, which has been translated bellow, leads us to believe that Nintendo may be preparing to launch and release a MMORPG. Although this server clearly can be used for other uses, we expect this is what it will be used for.

“Nintendo has at the beginning of this week an entry with Japan patent Office makes to leave. In the registration it that a server is installed, is called on which ‘ Massively Multiplayer Online’ plays is executable. To which system NINT DOS entry applies, is not well-known. “

Nintendo has said that this December they will announce what they call a “Big Bomb”. This announcement is said to affect GameCube Hardware sales significantly. Will this new registered server have something to do with December’s announcement? We don’t know yet, but we are working on finding out more information. Possibly a Pokemon MMORPG? Maybe some sort of other Famous Nintendo franchise will make it’s transfer into the On-Line world.

Thanks to the IGN Boards for the lead.

Stay tuned for the latest…
<br><br><i> “What if everything you see is more than what you see, the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn't? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think. Perhaps it really is a doorway, and if you choose to go inside, you'll find many unexpected things.” </i>
<b> -Shigeru Miyamoto </b>

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