Nú nýlega tók Nintendo frétta síðan N-Philes grafíkar hönnuð Luigi´s Mansion, Jin Suzuki

Jin Suzuki: Thank you, Sakaita-san, for letting us interview you.
Kyu Sakaita: It was no problem, I enjoy being interviewed.
JS: I have heard rumors that there will be no Spaceworld this year, is this true?
KS: That is up to the Nintendo board, if it were me, I would just go on ahead.
JS: You have worked on Luigi’s Mansion, what games are you working on now?
KS: I am working on Kameo, and bits and pieces of Zelda.
JS: How is Kameo coming along?
KS: Excellent. The game has yet to be revealed more, but I promise you that it will be pleasing.
JS: People are referring to it as ‘The Adult Pokemon.’ Does this suit the game?
KS: No! *laughs* It is completely different, which may appeal some gamers, and not appeal others.
JS: Which Zelda are you working on? The cel-shaded version or the unannounced version?
KS: Unannounced version? I don’t know what that is, I am working on the cel-shaded version. It is coming along great!
JS: When will this be released in North America?
KS: Nintendo has told me they expect it to be done by late December for American translation, so it should be released by February.
JS: Do you ever surf the internet?
KS: Doesn’t everyone? I do occasionally, just for mail and communication though. I sometimes see if there are any fan sites about me, but no luck yet. *laughs*
JS: What is your current favorite GameCube game?
KS: Resident Evil, currently. It scares me, and games rarely do that.
JS: What is your least favorite GameCube game?
KS: Universal Studios. *laughs*
JS: Who is your favorite third party?
KS: Capcom.
JS: I heard that Rare may go multiplatform, is this true?
KS: As far as I heard, no. This could come to the future, but I hope not, Rare is valuable.
JS: Have you ever visited N-Philes.com?
KS: No. Do you want me to?
JS: Yeah, if you want.
KS: I will then.
JS: What is your least favorite third party company?
KS: No comment.
JS: What is your opinion on Iwata taking over Yamuichi’s position?
KS: I am sure Iwata will do a great job. Yamuichi started Nintendo and made it the way it is… the best gaming company out there!
JS: Were you satisfied with Luigi’s Mansion?
KS: Yes, of course, in my department. The game was beautiful!
KS: One minute left.
JS: Can you tell us more about Kameo’s storyline.
KS: It is early in development, so there is not much to tell. For now, it is confidential.
JS: How about Zelda’s storyline?
KS: Link has to rescue his sister.
JS: Will there be side-quests.
KS: Yes, many. Over thirty.
KS: Time is out.
JS: Okay, thanks for the interview, Sakaita-san.

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