vel með farin Nintendo Gamecube, með 2 fjarstýringar,2 memory og 26 leikjum:

Vexx, Animal Crossing, Splinter Cell, Sonic mega collection, Chibi robo, Fifa football 2004, Rogue ops, Zelda windwaker(special edition), Super mario sunshine, Dragon ball z budokai, Def jam vendetta, Ty the tasmanian tiger 2, Sonix gems collection, Splinter cell double agent, Mariokart doubledash, Zelda the twilight princess, wreckless, crash bandicoot the wrath o cortex, star wars jedi outcast, james bond 007 nightfire, killer 7, big air freestyle, Timesplitters future perfect, Splinter cell chaos theory, Ultimate spiderman, Final fantasy crystal chronicles

Bætt við 27. október 2009 - 19:24
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