Eftir að hafa skammað Microsoft einu sinni varð hann að gera það aftur í nýlegu viðtali við Next-Gen:

After a brief rundown of the top 25 most powerful people in the gaming industry, NextGen interviewed their no. 1 selection, none other than Ken Kutaragi. The interview was pretty lengthy, and Kutaragi-san seemed to be thinking at about a mile a minute. In one particularly funny excerpt, he exclaims “I think 3DO was a much, much nicer platform than Xbox.” He said as such because “Trip Hawkins had vision–a clear vision, and a clear dream” as opposed to Microsoft's somewhat hazy conveyance of the message as to what XBox is

Question: Microsoft has created a console that's easy to develop for, built by off-the-shelf parts. They argue that if developers aren't spending as much time fighting with the system they'll spend more time creating and balancing gameplay. Do you feel this is a legitimate view?

Answer:“Let me ask you this question. If this kind of benefit is one of the advantages of Xbox, why couldn't they demonstrate very nice, early titles at E3? And another question, if the system is easy to develop for, does that necessarily mean you'll get very nice titles? Will you ask Mr. Spielburg or James Cameron if shooting pictures is easier using one kind of camera?”“”"

Price of Xbox: $299.99
Price of Xbox controller: $34.95
Price of Xbox game: $49.99
Look on an Xbox gamer's face when their system crashes the first time: Priceless .