1.Þú kemur með athugasemdir um nafn sem ég efa að þú sért búinn að kynna þér.Wii er t.d. ekki nafn yfir hland.
2.Til að fræða þig um nafnið gjörðu svo vel:
As in “we.”
While the code-name Revolution expressed our direction, Wii represents the answer. Wii will break down that wall that seperates videogame players from everybody else. Wii will put people more in touch with their games… and each other. But you're probably asking: What does the name mean?
Wii sounds like “we,” which emphasizes the console is for everyone. Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii.
Wii has a distinctive “ii” spelling that symbolizes both the unique controllers and the image of people playing it. And Wii, as a name and a console, brings something revolutionary to the world of videogames that sets it apart from the crowd.
So that's Wii. But now Nintendo needs you. Because it's really not about you or me. It's about Wii. And together, Wii will change everything.
3.Það gæti svosem vel verið að þú hafir vitað þetta allt áður en ef svo er þá sýnir það hversu óþroskaður þú ert með því að búa til þennan kork.