ég ætla núna að bara gera grein um Nintendo Revolution og flesta orðróma sem hafa komið um hana samt eru eiginlega allir þessi orðrómar á ign.com en hér kemur það:

1. orðrómurinn:

From Nintendo Power Forums

The poster claims his information came from an insider privy to Nintendo's plans. As is usually the case, the source goes unnamed and unverified. But he does spout some pretty interesting stuff. For starters, he claims the Revolution does in fact employ gyroscopic sensors in its controllers, even though they will not be wireless. He also claims the Revolution will sport dual processors and feature built-in broadband, with some kind of online strategy in the works. Nintendo will supposedly go online with the Nintendo DS first with the Revolution following suite. A hard drive will also be included. As far as controller parts are concerned, the Revolution will feature four like the GameCube.

The poster also claims the Revolution will forego using Sony's Blu-Ray storage format in favor of HD-DVD. The system would launch with a currently unnamed Mario title. The source wouldn't say why the system would be revolutionary, stating the leaked information would land him in hot water. He also claimed it would give Sony and Microsoft an advantage at this point in the development cycle. The source did claim the technology itself was nothing revolutionary, only that the system would use it in ways never before seen. The source then added, “Touching is good, but feeling is better.” What that means is open to debate, but it leads us into…

2. orðrómur

Taken from a Nintendo document

Gotta love this one. This rumor includes a shopping list of system features and a hand-drawn picture! Supposedly, the artist drew the picture from memory after seeing a document headed toward a Nintendo shareholder's meeting. The (very) rough sketch depicts a number of things, including a controller, shell case disk and a game system from two different angles. Emblazoned across the middle of the page is “Nintendo 21,” which seems to indicate a name change from Revolution. Below that lies the “Nintendo 21” logo, which closely resembles the GameCube logo. It also serves to note that both angles of the system drawn on the page also resemble the GameCube, down to the placement of the four controller ports, as well as the “power,” “reset” and “open” buttons.
But wait, there's more. The sketch is also connected with information detailing key system information. First, the “Nintendo 21” would hit retail late 2005. It will use a two-sided, 8mm disk with a 5.4 GB capacity and feature a shell case. The Nintendo 21 will also act as a wireless hub and serve a “home game function,” letting it communicate with other Nintendo 21 consoles in the vicinity by using the IEEEE protocol. Kyosera, known primarily for designing cell phones and printers, is jointly developing the “home game” function. And here's some more info: the “Nintendo 21” will feature pressure sensitive controllers, with the buttons and handles sensitive to “rubbing” and other such stimuli.

3. orðrómur

From Japanese Publication Shukan Diamond

In late December of last year, Shuken Diamond published a rather interesting bit of information concerning the GameCube's successor. The article, found in the 2005 Preview Edition of the magazine, claimed the Nintendo Revolution Controller would not feature a traditional D-Pad or “A” and “B” buttons. While the information goes unverified by Nintendo, the information strengthens the company's claim that Revolution will alter the way people interact with games. It also ties in nicely with Nintendo President Satoru Iwata's recent statement, in that Revolution presents a “paradigm shift” in gaming. All of this begs the question: what exactly stands in for the missing D-Pad and pair of buttons?

Your guess is as good as ours is. Moments after the news hit the Web, gamers stuffed message boards full of theories and wild speculation. Most of which centered on gyroscopic technology. To be fair, Nintendo does in fact hold patents for such technology, so it's possible that Revolution will mark Nintendo's first foray into tilt-sensitive controllers. Then there's the pressure sensitive controller, which respond to a player's “rubbing” of the handles. Others speculate on the possibility that Nintendo will use an evolved form of trackball. Still others think Nintendo will take the DS approach and include a touchpad. We've even heard rumors of a fancy new rumble device. Supposedly, it would allow a new level of immersion by accurately interpreting digital output into physical sensations.


From U.S. Patent filed on July 21, 2004

This rumor centers on new technologies that would change the way a gamer actually watches a game. To start, here's a brief intro: a fixation point is whatever a gamer stares at most of the time when playing a game. Thing is, most games feature several of these fixation points, so developers have needed to devise methods of including every object on screen at all times. When this wasn't possible, the display needed to shift and prioritize objects according to the action. Developers accomplished this by zooming the image up or down, to help gamers re-focus their attention. Just look at any number of sports games. The camera invariably follows the soccer ball, baseball or football. The document argues that the constant change in perspective makes playing games tougher than it should.

The patent describes a technology that would prevent a fixation point from moving and prevent the display area from changing in size. Regardless of where a player sits, he (or she) would command a deep view of the happenings on screen. This would also carry over into multiplayer gaming, where multiple players would normally require multiple fixation points. The new set of technologies would eliminate the strain associated with split-screen gaming. In summary, this would all make for excellent game sessions thanks to unparalleled view of the display. Changing the way a gamer watches the action unfold on-screen would be somewhat revolutionary, but again, it's too early to tell exactly how Nintendo plans on using the tech described in the patent. Unless, of course, they already have to some degree…
But that didn't stop anyone from speculating. Once again, rumors seeped into websites and forums. The conjecture pointed at everything from holographic imaging to new methods of image processing where a developer could create hyper realistic vistas at a fraction of the current processing cost. The latter of which alleviates concerns over the rumors that the Revolution will lack the raw processing power of both the PS3 and Xbox 2. If Nintendo has found a way to render realistic imaging at a relatively low processing cost, then it really doesn't matter that the Revolution will lack some of the punch of competing consoles. What matters is that it will stand on equal footing from a graphics stand point. Furthermore, the technologies developed to nix the forever-changing “fixation points” problem will only reinforce the new rendering methods…or so go the rumors.

jæja þetta eru nú eiginlega þeir einu sem ég veit um en mér langar að ljúka þessu með að segja svo hvaða leikir koma á GC þetta eru ekki allir koma alveg miklu fleirri en bara svona sem maður á eftir að búast mest við

Legend of Zelda:Tentative title(Gates of the realm??)
Þetta er næsti Zelda leikur í GC tölvuna og hann lítur mjög vel út þetta er ekki svona cel-shaded graffík eins og var í wind waker heldur raunveruleg. Það má búast mikið af þessum leik og ég held að hann verði leikur ársins (2005)

Resident Evil 4
Þetti er hinn nýji RE leikur og hefur aldrei litið eins vel út hann er aðeins kominn í BA en mun koma til evrópu 18.mars. En hann er búinn að fá hörku dóma 9,8 á ign.com og 9,6 á gamespot.com og svo er hann í 5 sæti á gamerankings.com yfir bestu leikum allra tíma. En hann kemur líka á PS2 en hann átti að vera exclusive á GC. Hann er búinn að fá rosalegt make-over allir bakgrunnar í þrívídd og engar zombies.

Super Mario 128

Ekki er mikið búið að fréttast af þessum leik nema hann verði á GC hann átti fyrst að koma á Revolution en svo staðfestu nintendo að hann myndi koma á GC.

Killer 7

Þetta er mjög umdeildur leikur og er ekki vitað mikið um söguþráð hans en þetta er cel-shaded leikur sem er alveg mjög! blópugur. En þetta er allaveganna um 7 fólk sem eru öll skyld (held ég) og hafa öll sérstaka krafta og eitthvað þannig.En það er ekki vitað hvenar hann kemur út og kemur hann líka á PS2.

Time Splitters 3:Future perfect

Jæja 3 leikurinn í einni bestu fps seríu í heimi.Þessi leikur er bara um að time spitters ráðast á jörðina í gegnum tímann og eitthvað þannig þetta á að vera eitthvað flottari söguþráður en var í 2 og maður á að geta hitt sig sjálfan í fortíðinni eðpa eitthvað er ekki alveg viss hvernig þetta virkar :S.Svo á multiplayerinn að vera rosa flottur og maður á að geta verið á farartækum, svo verður svona gravity gun eins og í HL2 og svo verður glænýr mapmaker.

Jæja þetta er bara nokkrir leikir af árinu 2005 sem koma á GC