fyrir ykkur sem voru að leita af því, hér eru leiðbeiningar (Reyndar á ensku, en það skiptir ekki öllu máli því maður á að vera 18(eða 16) til að kaupa þessa leiki;))

2 Player mode & Where to get a quad

2 player mode: To play in 2 player mode, go to Big smokes house (“BS” on the map). Then face it. then go to your right and keep going until you get to a fence. on the other side you will see a red icon. climb the fence and run into it. now the 2nd player can choose what they look like. then you get to play with two people in free roam mode.

Get a quad: Go to Blueberry Acres and by the bridge that is closed off, there will be a sign hanging down that says Easterboard Farm. Go into the farm and next to one of the buildings, there will be a quad.