Það vill svo skemmtilega til að ekki fyrir svo alllöngu þá einmitt prufaði ég Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake á alvöru MSX tölvu :)<br><br><font color=“#C0C0C0”>,.◦*¨`¨*◦.,_,.◦*¨`¨*◦.,_,.◦*¨`¨*◦.,_,.◦*¨`¨*◦.,_,.◦*¨`¨*◦.,_,.◦*¨`¨*◦.,_,.◦*¨`¨*◦.,_</font>
<font color=“#008080”>“Self improvement is masturbation.”
“The things you own, end up owning you.”
“It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.”</font>
<font color=“#004040”><i>- Tyler Durden</i></font>
<a href="
http://rufuz.no-ip.com“>¹</a><a href=”
http://www.breakbeat.is“>²</a><a href=”