<b>February 09, 2004</b>

- During a recent interview with Nintendo Official Magazine Europe, Nintendo designer and director Shigeru Miyamoto commented on a number of hot topics.

The figurehead acknowledged that the company is already in development with the successor to GameCube and said that it would enable Nintendo to realize “brand new and enjoyable
ideas.” He refused to comment further on the machine.

Queried on the status of Mario 128, Miyamoto apologized for not being able to divulge much on the game. He went on to say that with the game Nintendo is creating new elements not found in other titles and that if the publisher was to show them off they would be copied by competitors.

Finally, Miyamoto reiterated that another Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker game was in development and that details would be revealed later this year.

<b>Swordmaster skrifaði:</b>

heyrðu væni minn, litli rauðhærði hnakkostaógeð,
þú virðist ekki hafa skoðað dæmið í gegn ,fábjáni.

þetta fáránleg spurning hjá þér ljóta drulla. . Heimskt fólk hinsvegar,eins og þú faikus sem taka allt bókstaflega sem þeir hafa heyrt einhverstaðar og eru svo fuckin tregir að manni langar helst að taka augun úr þeim og láta þá éta þau.

það sýnir bara heimsku þína,ég er viss um að það sé allavega eitthvað ofan í rotnaða heilanum þinum..
