Tekið af Gamespot:

“Nintendo cracking down on importers


Retailers caught selling imported games in European countries will no longer be able to sell Nintendo products.

According to a report on UK site Ferrago, Nintendo has started to crack down on European retail outlets that are selling Nintendo products and games that have been imported from North America and Asia. Nintendo is reportedly having cease and desist orders issued to such retailers, and it has announced that any retailer that is found selling imported hardware or software will no longer be able to officially sell Nintendo products.

We'll post more as it becomes available.”

Jæja þetta var gott meðan þetta entis, hvað eru þessir nísku andskotar í Nintendo eiginlega að tapa á því að evrópsk lönd selja NTSC leiki. Það mætti halda að þeir séu að gera allt sem þeir mögulega geta til að gera okkur lífið erfiðara, ÉG HATA NINTENDO!

Þýðir þetta að BT muni aldrei geta selt fleiri Nintendo vörur?
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