Miyamoto sagði í viðtali við IGN að hluti af The Wind Waker hefði verið breytt frá upprunalegu japönsku útgáfunni. Hann sagði Nintendo hafa fengið margar kvartanir yfir hversu leiðingjarn sá hluti leiksins hefði verið. Einnig voru það eini gallinn sem flestir reviewers fundu að leiknum.

Úr viðtali IGN við Miyamoto:
(highligt-ið hvíta svæðið að neðan, notaði color code)


<font color=“#FFFFFF”>“In Japan, after people had played Wind Waker, we had a lot of feedback that the collection of Triforce pieces in the game was kind of difficult or tedious so we actually made some changes to that part of the spec for the US version and that'll be reflected in the first build of that which will be coming out next month. It's just little changes, but hopefully that'll improve some of the feedback that we get.”</font>