Samkvæmt heimildamanni, sem ekki lætur nafn síns getið, hefur Nintendo gefið Retro Studios leyfi til að byrja á framhaldinu af Metroid Prime. Það sem mér finnst furðulegt er, að Retro eru víst að spá í multiplayer mode. Online anyone?

Heimildir: <a href="“>Cube-Europe</a><br><br><i>”What I regret the most in my life is bringing Limp Bizkit to this world“</i>
<b>- James ”Munky“ Shaffer -</b>

<i>”In the sea of life you´re just a minnow. Live your life insecure. I feel the pain, of your needles as they shit into my mind! You stole my life! Without a sigh, you sucked me dry!“</i>
<b>- Jonathan Davis -</b>

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<b><font color=”#800080“>Nintendo GameCube</font> | <font color=”#008000“>Microsoft Xbox</font> | <font color=”#0000FF">Sony PlayStation 2</font></
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