hvað heitir hann.. (til er turbo version á bílasölunni) sá og turbo bílinn.. damn ekki leyft að nota hjól í þessu *grr* (þau audda.. öll nema skellinaðran) , hotring racer (þú veist að hún hefur fíkn þegar þú átt alla týpur af þeim.. já auðvita svindlaði maður þeim inn) ;)<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and slamed into the guy. To make the long story short the ricer was hitting the brakes to avoid hitting rocks that might damage his “l33t body” lol ;)
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana.
Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..