Já, aftur. Vildi svona kanna hvað fólk er með completed núna (s.s. prósentur). Sjálfur er ég með 95% completed. Keypti ég leikinn um leið og hann kom út.<br><br>—– CS -> [-GB-]Genezis IRC -> G|Genezis
IceElement hvar er þetta rampege<br><br> Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.
á eyjunni sem húsið hanns versettis er?<br><br> Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.
úúpps….. : Þ ég var að tékka á þessu aftur hehh, ég tók ekki eftir því að það það stóð að maæður ætti að keyra yfir gaurana. Sorrý mín mistök. Ef maður gefði átt að lemja þá hefði þetta verið og sjúkt rampage!
ég veit ég ætlaði að seigja þér það því ég var að klara það í gær :P<br><br> Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.
nenni ekki að kveikja á ps2 en minnir 43% seinast þegar ég gáði.. kannski 53% núna<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and slamed into the guy. To make the long story short the ricer was hitting the brakes to avoid hitting rocks that might damage his “l33t body” lol ;)
Slökknaði talvan bara sí svona upp úr þurru?<br><br> Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.
76% held (ég nenni ekki að kíkja á það)<br><br> Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.
ég er bara buinn með 46%, hef ekki haft nægan tíma. En ég var að velta því fyrir mér í Links View Apartment(held það heiti það, húsið með þyrlunni á þakinu)er þa body armor uppi á þaki þar hjá ykkur?
Nei ekki hjá mér <br><br> Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.
Það er ekki hjá vini mínum, en samt er það hjá mér……..þetta er eitthvað skrítið. Við erum örugglega að tala um sama húsið, þetta sem að er rétt hjá stóra arena-nu?
Ok það er húsið en hvar á þessi skjöldur að vera?<br><br> Homer: I work hard for the money So hard for the money Oh, I something, something money, Come on give me lots of honey Burns: Well, there's an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him.
iss some ppl dont got a clue.. þú færð armor þegar þú hefur safna inn nóg af hidden packet.. annars finnst mér þyrlan best sem maður fær í 80 hehe<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and slamed into the guy. To make the long story short the ricer was hitting the brakes to avoid hitting rocks that might damage his “l33t body” lol ;)
á hann bygginguna?<br><br>Okay this guy is driving behind this ricer dude… and suddenly the ricer slams on the brakes, The guy was like “what the fuck is his problem.” Then they drive off slowly and pick up speed… 2 minutes later the ricer slams on the brakes again. The guy was like “Oh my god if he does it again I'm slaming into his backend.” Sure enough 3 minutes later he slamed on the brakes again and the guy just hit the gas and slamed into the guy. To make the long story short the ricer was hitting the brakes to avoid hitting rocks that might damage his “l33t body” lol ;)
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