David Hunter, blaðamaður frá <a href="http://www.hollywoodreporter.com">Hollywood Reporter</a> segir þetta um leikarana og myndina:
“They continue to be richer and more satisfying than one expects in such a fantastic tale; the special effects, including two wonderful new CGI characters, are simply tremendous”.
Hunter segir einnig þetta um orrustuna í Helm’s Deep:
“An amazing thing to behold”.
Owen Gleiberman frá <a href="http://www.ew.com">Entertainment Weekly</a> segir myndina vera:
“A visual pageant of sorcery and action, that all but surpasses The Fellowship of the Ring.”
Mike Goodridge frá <a href="http://www.screendaily.com">Screen Daily</a> segir þetta:
“The second film in Peter Jackson's trilogy of JRR Tolkien's The Lord Of The Rings is one of the year's best,”
“Jackson injects The Two Towers with a different, more urgent energy that vibrantly elucidates the book's majestic themes of good versus evil and nature versus industry”.
Eina neikvæða gagnrýnin kom frá Todd McCarthy frá <a href="http://www.variety.com">Variety</a>:
“At least for non-Tolkien fanatics, the two ”Rings“ thus far lack that essential bit of magic to transport one to another world and make the leaving difficult”.
En hann játar þó að það sé varla hægt að koma þessum undraheim á hvíta tjaldið með betri hætti.