Smá Spoiler
Tom: Yes? Well, that's to be expected. We did some major reconstruction, sawed through some bone, ssnapped some cartilage…
Mr. Garrison: Aauugh-huh.
Tom: …all the blood and mucus just the sound of bone and sinew coming apart.
Mr. Garrison: UUUUUuuuuuugh
Tom: By the way, did you ever see that movie Contact?
Mr. Garrison: Bluuuch…Bluuuch…Bluuuch…Oh, stop, that movie was terrible!
Tom: I'm sorry, Mr. Garrison. Why don't you get some rest; I'll check on you a little later.
Mr. Garrison: Wuch, uch. Boy I had to see the entire movie to see the alien and it was her goddamned father!
Ekkert illa meint bara gaman.
Annars var Contact allt í lagi mynd, þarf kannski að fara að sjá hana aftur.