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Maðurinn er alræmdur fyrir að vera leiðinlegur og með stórt egó. Kate Winslet segist ætla aldrei að vinna með honum aftur.
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Perceptions by colleagues
Cameron has been labeled by one collaborator, author Orson Scott Card, as selfish and cruel. When asked about working with Cameron on the novelization of The Abyss, Card said the experience was
hell on wheels. He was very nice to me, because I could afford to walk away. But he made everyone around him miserable, and his unkindness did nothing to improve the film in any way. Nor did it motivate people to work faster or better. And unless he changes his way of working with people, I hope he never directs anything of mine.[65]
After working with Cameron on the set of Titanic, Kate Winslet decided she would not work with Cameron again unless she earned “a lot of money.” She admitted Cameron was a nice man, but felt he had too much of a temper.[66] In an editorial, the British newspaper The Independent said that Cameron “is a nightmare to work with. Studios have come to fear his habit of straying way over schedule and over budget. He is notorious on set for his uncompromising and dictatorial manner, as well as his flaming temper.”[66]
Sam Worthington, the latest lead actor to work with Cameron, stated on the Jay Leno Show that Cameron had very high expectations from everyone, and would often use a nail gun to nail the film crew's cell phones to a wall above an exit door in retaliation to unwanted ringing during production.[67] During the promotion for Avatar, Cameron stated on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that although he doubts anyone would describe him as a mellow person, he is at least mellower than he was before.[68]
Other actors, such as Bill Paxton and Sigourney Weaver, have praised Cameron's perfectionist work ethic. Weaver said of Cameron: “He really does want us to risk our lives and limbs for the shot, but he doesn't mind risking his own.”[69]