The Digital Bits 12/14/01:
And just posted Lord of the Rings DVD comments by New Line's Rolf Mittweg, president for worldwide distribution and marketing. He says New Line plans to release the DVD version of The Fellowship of the Ring in <b>August, 2002</b>, featuring a full-fledged trailer for the next installment, The Two Towers.
Og í R2 fréttum hjá DVD Debate þann 8. janúar var þessi pistill:
Thanks to a well placed industry insider who wishes to remain anonymous, we have the proposed release date for Peter Jackson's Lord Of The Rings. At the moment our source claims the date has been officially confirmed to retailers for a <b>July 21st</b> release in the UK. Since this will more than likely be a worldwide release, you can expect to the US disc appear at around the same sort of time.
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