Tim Burton - stutt ritgerð Já, ég skrifaði þessa ritgerð nýlega um Tim Burton í ensku, þannig að hún er þá væntanlega á ensku. Eg gæti þýtt hana ef fólk vill það frekar, btw þá er hún bara um 200 orð. ^^,

I wrote this essay about Tim Burton because I like his work very much and think he’s been doing a great job, with all his original movies and the way he draws is just beautiful. I hope this will tell you a bit more about him then you maybe knew about him before reading.

Tim Burton.

Tim Burton was raised in Burbank, California. Originally named Timothy William Burton, he changed his name to Tim Burton so people could remember his name more easily. At a very young age, he started drawing cartoons and would stay inside watching old movies and drawing for most of his childhood. Tim Burton attended the California Institute of the Arts, where he studied animation and then started working at Disney. While never really finding himself in the mainstream Disney films, he was let to have the freedom to work on his own personal projects. After working at Disney for a while, Tim Burton was discovered by Paul Reubens who decided he was the perfect man to direct his feature “Pee-wee’s Big Adventure. The film was a huge success which lead to “Beetle Juice”. That film made Tim Burton famous in Hollywood and he then directed “Batman”, the film was one of his most successful films and soon after he directed “Edward Scissorhands”, where he got to know Johnny Depp really well. Then, while working on “Batman Returns”, he also produced “The Nightmare Before Christmas”. Tim Burton has worked on so many films that it’d take many pages to name them all, but the newest “Charlie And The Chocolate Factory” and “Corpse Bride”, both starring Johnny Depp, were both big hits, mostly because of their originality and creativity.

Það má koma með skoðun sína á þessu, og já.. enn og aftur þá er ég löt og nenni ekki að þýða þetta yfir á íslensku. Þið afsakið það vonandi. ^-^