hefur sagt. Það er alltaf verið að tögglast á þessum on-linerum sem Arnold segir enda mjög skiljanlegt, maður
fær bara góðar minningar þegar maður les þetta, meira að segja um Batman & Robin!
The Terminator (1984)
Leikstjóri: James Cameron
Leikarar: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, Linda Hamilton
The Terminator:
Fuck you, asshole.
I'll be back! (Fyrsta)
Your clothes, give them to me.
Commando (1985)
Leikstjóri: Mark L. Lester
Leikarar: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rae Dawn Chong, Dan Hedya
John Matrix: (Það er bara endalaust hægt að quotea upp úr þessari!)
Let off some steam, Bennett.
You're a funny man, Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last.
I eat Green Berets for breakfast.
I'll be back, Bennett! (Annað)
Because all fucking hell is going to break loose.
(Eftir að hafa drepið mann í flugvél) Don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired.
FUCK YOU, asshole!
The Predator (1987)
Leikstjóri: John McTiernan
Leikarar: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Wathers, Elpidia Carrillo
Alan Schaefer:
What's the matter? The CIA got you pushing too many pencils?
Stick around
If it bleeds, we can kill it.
I'll be back! (Þriðja)
You're one ugly motherfucker.
The Running Man (1987)
Leikstjóri: Paul Michael Glaser
Leikarar: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Conchita Alonso, Yaphet Kotto
Ben Richards:
I'm not into politics. I'm into survival.
Killian! I'll be back! (Fjórða)
Damon Killian: You bastard! Drop Dead!
I don't do requests.
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)
Leikstjóri: James Cameron
Leikarar: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Robert Patrick
Hasta la vista, baby
It's in your nature to destroy yourselves
John Connor: Jesus, you were gonna kill that guy.
The Terminator: Of course, I'm a terminator.
Stay here, I'll be back! (Fimmta!)
Come with me if you want to live!
True Lies (1994)
Leikstjóri: James Cameron
Leikarar: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold
Harry Tasker:
Yeah: I'm going to kill you pretty soon.
You're fired!
Eraser (1996)
Leikstjóri: Chuck Russell
Aðalleikarar: Arnold Schwarzeneggerr, James Caan, Vanessa L. Williams
John Kruger:
His Colombian associates wanted to introduce him to God personally.
Relax. You've been erased.
(Við dauðan krókódíl) You´re luggage
Batman & Robin (1997)
Leikstjóri: Joel Schumacher
Leikarar: George Clooney, Arnold Schwarzennegger, Chris O'Donnell
Mr. Freeze:
You're not sending ME to the COOLER!
I'm afraid my condition has left me cold to your pleas of mercy.
Tonight, hell freezes over!
End of Days (1999)
Leikstjóri: Peter Hyams
Leikarar: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gabriel Byrne, Robin Tunney
Jericho Cane:
We had a difference of opinion. I thought my wife and daughter should live. He felt otherwise.
I've seen a lot, but nothing would ever make me cut out my tongue.
Between your faith and my Glock nine millimeter, I'll take the Glock.
Svo varð ég að hafa þessa mynd þó að ég hafi ekki séð hana
Hercules in New York (1970)
Leikstjóri: Arthur Allan Seidelman
Leikarar: Arnold Stang, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Taina Elg
Ha, ha, ha. You have struck Hercules.
Hercules hides from no man!
Hercules has no need of money!
<B>Azure The Fat Monkey</B>