2001: A Space Odyssey
“My god, it´s full of stars”
“My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks”
“So say hello to the bad guy”
Reservoir Dogs
“Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite”
“You´re the decease, I´m the cure”
Ed Wood
- “So did you like my picture
- It stunk
- Well my next one will be better”
Mission Impossible
“Hasta lasagna, don´t get any on ya”
(Eftir að hafa droppað gaur fram af klettabrún)
- “What did you do to Sally?
- I let him go”
Big Lebowski
“Hey man, I got a bewerage here”
Natural Born Killers
“You aint seen nothing yet”
Usual Suspects
“I don´t believe in God, but the only thing that scares me is Kayzer Soze”
True Lies
“You´re fired”
Dirty Harry
“So punk, do you feel lucky”
A Few Good men
“You can´t handle the truth”
As Good As It Gets
- “How do you write women so well?
- I think of a man and take away reason and accountability”
Harlem Nights
“Watch it Quick, you´re fucking with a heavyweight”
Die Hard
“Come down to the coast, we´ll get together, have a few laughs”
“I love It”
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