Í þessu atriði brýst T-800 (Schwarzenegger) í gegnum glermálverk með líkkistu á öxlunum. Dáldið fyrr í atriðinu þá voru John Connor (Nick Stahl) og T-800 að heimasækja hvelfinguna þar sem Sarah Connor (mamma John) er grafin. Þá koma sérsveitarmenn og byrja að skjóta og þá þarf T-800 að flytja kistuna á meðan hann skýtur í gríðarlegri vélbyssu. Hellingur af eftilíktum legsteinum springa og krani sem tók mestan þunga af kistunni en Arnold ræðst áfram með þeim krafti og þeirri áreynsluleysi sem Tortímandinn er þekktur fyrir.
Schwarzenegger er frekar nískur um nákvæmni á söguþræðinum en hann segir um þetta atriði, “One Thing I can tell you is that I’m carrying out a coffin, obviously, out of the crypt here and the coffin has other things there than what we think. Even though it says Sarah Connor on it, she's supposed to be inside that coffin because she died a few years ago, but now I'm taking it away, then throwing it in one of these hearse cars and then drive off. Then the female terminator is going to chase me down. This is all part of a big chase sequence.“
Arnold er aftur mættur í leðrinu, dökk sólgleraugu og andlitsfarði sem líkir eftir húð með járni innan undir. Hann er mættur aftur, en nokkrir hlutir hafa breyst. Aðalega, þá er Jonathan Mostow kominn í stað James Cameron. En Arnold lýsir fullu trausti til Mostow’s við að leikstýra myndinni.
“He’s very intelligent,” sagði Schwarzenegger. “He's very knowledgeable with visual effects. He has the patience. He has the discipline and he's a director. He directs. He directs every department and has control over every department and because he comes from that background, he also is very much into directing the actors. Some action directors have a tendency of paying a lot of attention to details of the action but not a lot of the details in the scene itself and the acting.”
Arnold þurfti að hætta snemma í viðtalinu til að taka meira upp. En leikstjórinn, Mostow hafði tíma til að ræða nokkra hluti. Ein breyting kom meðan tökum stóð á T3, þegar Sofia Bush var skipt út af Claire Danes. Mostow er samt alveg viss um hæfileika Bush’s en útskýrði hvers vegna hann gat ekki haldið henni.
“The gamble that I took was that her star quality would compensate for the fact that she probably was too young for the part,” sagði Mostow.
“At the end of the day, after looking at a couple days' worth of footage, she was just too young. She's a terrific actress, with great star qualities and I think she's going to be a major movie star. I've always been a huge fan of Claire's and Claire is somebody that frankly I've been thinking about from early on. I want great actors. If you look at the cast we have in this movie, Nick Stahl and Claire Danes are two great actors of their generation. You have to look at the actor for the part and make sure that they're the right actor. The great thing about Hollywood is it doesn't really matter what you did yesterday. What matters is are you right for this particular role.”
Einnig sagði hann af hverju hann valdi frekar Nick Stahl í stað Edward Furlong til að leika John Connor hlutverið.
“Eddie did a great job playing this guy as a 14-year-old and now he's a young man. It's a completely different kind of thing. Look at the Jack Ryan character. First it was Alec Baldwin and then Harrison Ford and then Ben Affleck. People always accept whoever is the right actor for the movie, so I think I did the same thing here. I needed a particular kind of actor. Anybody that was living and breathing and had a SAG card and was roughly that age, we brought in, this massive audition process. Nick was the guy.”
Við að gera Terminator mynd þá öðlaðist Mostow mikið meiri virðingu fyrir James Cameron.
“The guy is a genius and he created a mythology that is incredibly compelling and executed it in an extraordinary way. ‘T2’ was the beginning of digital special effects. We'd seen little bits of pieces of it but that was really the first movie. Remember that movie, whenever there was a big effect, the movie literally stopped so the audience could go ‘Ooh, ahh’ as the effect happened. Nowadays, that stuff's a dime a dozen. I think audiences frankly are kind of burnt out on people running up on ceilings and doing triple somersaults. We've seen all that stuff and I'm making the bet that people hopefully just want to go see the story.”
Mostow leggur meiri áherslu á sögu frekar en brellur. Hann vill mynd sem ögrar væntingum.
“I think the biggest problem we have is whatever expectations people bring to the theater when they come because sequelitis is about bigger and better and generally speaking, in Hollywood, sequels usually just mean bigger and not necessarily better. So, my focus, I think of myself more as a storyteller and I just come to it with a story that you go, ‘Wow, cool, that’s close to a place that I didn't know what was going to happen.' That's ultimately the best movie in my book, when we just don't know what's going to happen next. That's a huge part of it and again, there's a lot of special effects movies out there. What's always been great about the ‘Terminator’ movies is that they have great stories and that's really where we had to start from. Then all the other stuff is the bells and whistles of filmmaking.”
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines er áætluð að koma út í bíó sumarið 2003, við getum bara farið að hlakka til!
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