12 nóvember kemur svo special extended edition á myndinni fyrir hardcore Tolkien aðdáendur. Þetta er 4 diska pakki sem verður í glæsilegri leðuröskju. Ekki eru komnar nákvæmar upplýsingar um innihald því ennþá er verið að vinna í disknum. Á fyrstu tveimur diskunum verður lengd útgáfa af myndinni eða um 30 mínútna lengri útgáfa sem er alveg frábært fyrir aðdáendur. Þetta verður anamorphic widescreen með Dolby Digital 5.1 Ex hljóði. Við þessa lengri útgáfu verður director´s commentary. Á hinum diskunum tveimur verða svo tonn af aukaefni. Þessi útgáfa verður ofbeldisfullri og mun líklega verða R-Rated eða bönnuð innan 16 ára. Þetta verður líklega stærsta DVD útgáfa nokkru sinni.
Hér eru svo nokkur dæmi um atriði úr lengri útgáfunni(á ensku):
A new addition to the opening sequence in which Bilbo provides background on Hobbits and their history in voice-over as he writes his memoirs.
A new introduction to Samwise Gamgee, seen in his capacity as a gardener.
A scene taking place at the Green Dragon Inn, which introduces us to the camaraderie of the Hobbits (we see them singing together) and sets up the geopolitics of the story.
The Hobbits witnessing the departure of the Elves from Middle Earth on the way to Bree.
Aragorn watching over the sleeping Hobbits, singing the ballad of Beren and Luthien to himself in the night.
Aragorn at his mother's grave, in which we learn that he was raised by Elves and that Sauron has long hunted him.
Two new moments during the departure from Rivendale, one in which we see Arwen's emotional reaction to Aragorn's leaving, and another in which Elrond sees the Fellowship off.
A scene with the Fellowship in the mines of Moria, in which we learn how the Dwarves themselves unleashed the fire-demon that eventually destroyed them.
A scene at Lothlorien, where Galadriel bestows upon each of the Fellowship a gift which will play an important role later in the Trilogy.