nema þetta sé satt :)
Tatooine will undeniably appear in Ep. II. It seems that Anakin will, against the counsel of Obi-Wan and Yoda, be “lured” back to his home world, much like Luke was lured to Bespin at the end of Episode V. Watto will appear (and will be a much more sympathetic character - he's one of Lucas' favorites), so will Shmi. Shmi will not survive Episode II, and her demise will become a instrument that Lord Sidious will take advantage of to turn Anakin against the other Jedi. My source thinks that Shmi will be in some sort of peril, and Anakin will ask Obi-Wan to save her. Obi-Wan will fail, and Anakin will never be able to pardon his Master for the consequences. What about the clone war? What are the clones? Darth Sidious himself will be the force behind the Clone Wars, and it will be revealed that he has the capability to control the actions of the midi-chlorians, or at least to ‘persuade’ them to act in ways he directs. The Clones of the Clone Wars will be life forms that also contain incredibly high midi-chlorian counts. They will be ‘super-Jedi’ which will be used as assassins against the Knights. Doesn't this have anything to do with Anakin's miraculous birth? Anakin's birth was no accident. Anakin was a test, a prototype. Anakin and Amidala will fall in love, as we all knew. But Obi-Wan will volunteer to be her protector, as he is smitten by her. This will cause friction between Obi-Wan and Anakin. Anakin will sense Obi-Wan's deep feelings for Amidala before Obi-Wan himself is aware of them, really. When Anakin confronts Obi-Wan about them, Obi-Wan will try to deny his affection. Anakin will never again trust his master. Will Darth Sidious have a new apprentice in Episode Two? Yes, Lord Mandalore, a system monarch, like Amidala who has his own private army. Mandalore will also appear in Episode III. I think that's enough info for now.
Ef sagan gengur út á þennan söguþráð þá er ég dálítið spenntur eða á ég að segja meira spenntur því að þetta gengur nokkurn vegin upp ef að maður á að miða sig við treilerinn og fyrri star wars myndirnar en það gæti líka verið að einstaklingurinn sem að skrifaði þetta hafi hugsað það sama og búið til einhvern söguþráð en það er búið að vera mikið angurþit varðandi falsanir á netinu undanfarið. Að lokum langar mig að bæta inn í að Ewan McGregor á víst að vera búinn að sjá 60 - 70% af myndinn og segir hann hana vera mikið meir í stíl og við gömlu trilogíuna. Ég bíð spenntur eftir Star Wars: Attack of the Clones