Spoiler-viðvörun: Ritgerðin lýsir efnisatriðum myndarinnar.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria 27 of January in 1756. His parents Anna Maria and Leopold Mozart loved music. Mozart first showed potential at age four; when his sister stopped practising the piano he played the song that his sister just ended playing.
The movie starts on an attempted suicide. But the unexpected twist is that it’s not Mozart who is trying to kill himself, like everyone would expect in the first half minute of the movie. It was Salieri who stabbed himself, (which I find very stupid for the fact that he was a Christian and everyone who takes his own life spends eternity in the fiery flames of hell (see bible)). In the hospital he was taken to a priest that talks to him. Salieri starts playing his tunes on a piano for the priest and when the priest doesn’t know any of his songs he gets disappointed. He plays one last song and the priest recognizes it and starts congratulating Salieri on the tune. When Salieri informs the priest that this was Mozart’s work not his, the priest gets embarrassed. Salieri starts talking about his life, which turns out to be material for a movie about Mozart’s life, funny?
His story begins when he is playing a children's game (but he looks like he’s too old to be playing children's games), and Mozart is playing for an emperor or priest or someone like that in funny cloths. After hearing Mozart (or hearing of him), he decides to become a musician but his father won’t allow it. So like every other kid who wants to do something his parents won’t let him, he prays to god and asks him to let him play music. Of corse god answers and a miracle happens, a miracle that only a god who loves every living creature can do, Salieri’s father dies.
Many years later when Salieri has become the court composer of Austria he meets Mozart and sees him acting in a very much uncivilised order and calls him “a giggling dirtyminded creature”, when he sees him “crawling on the floor” and hitting on a maid. But he tries not to think abut it too much. He meets with the emperor and shows him a marsh he made in Mozart’s honour. When the emperor has played it for him Mozart shows everyone how unoriginal it is and changes it, Salieri gets angry and offended.
The emperor had summoned Mozart to meet him for a reason; he wanted to buy an opera from Mozart.
The opera; which was to be set in a harem, pleased the emperor very much, but having no sense or education on music he criticised the opera, saying that it had too many notes. He wanted to cut down on the notes.
The thought of Mozart begin told off by the emperor made Salieri happy, because he hated Mozart for steeling his girl. One day Mozart is coming home to his flat and he meets his father in the stairway, according to the music (dung, dung, dung!). He was not pleased to see his father. Mozart’s father; who had the name Leopold Mozart, wanted Mozart (who was engaged) to cancel his weeding and come back to Salzburg. But in an unexpected twist Mozart (Wolfgang not Leopold) got Mozart (Leopold not Wolfgang) to stay with him.
Time passes and Mozart gets married. When a royal kid wants to learn music, the emperor forms (under Salieri’s influence) a committee to find a qualified teacher. With some very impressive lies Salieri was able to destroy Mozart’s teaching career. But Mozart’s wife went and showed Salieri Mozart’s work and tried to get him to help Mozart get the job. Salieri made her think that he wanted to have sexual relations with her, but just wanted to make her stand naked in front of a servant. Time past Mozart made more operas such as; the marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni and the Magic flute. After the première of the Magic flute Salieri assisted Mozart making his last piece which he died making. A student of Mozart’s finished the work which was played at his funeral.
I learned a valuable lesson watching this movie, but I forgot. But listening to music and writing this essay, I think: “This is easy with an electronic dictionary.” But this teaches that you can go on and on and on about crappy movies.
Til gamans má geta að ég fékk 10 fyrir ritgerðina, en mest út af því að ég er kennarasleikja.