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The story happens in New York, USA in 1945 and is about an italian mafia-family. The head of the family is Vito Corleone which came as an illegal immigrant from Sicily when he was 9 years old after his family was murderd by a mafia in Sicily so he’s an orphant. Many years later he has become a wealthy and powerful Mafia-boss.
The film starts with a scene where Vito Corleone meets with a man who asks him to murder two guys that raped and beat up his daughter. Vito Refuses to murder them but he’s going to send two guys to beat them. Vito goes to two other meetings, one with Enzo the baker who asks him to let a man who is working in his bakery and dating his daughter to stay longer in USA so he can marry his daughter. The last one is with Luca Brazi, a good friend of Vito, he’s just telling Vito that he is pleased to be invited to his daughters wedding which is taking place outside of the office and around the family house at the very same moment.
At the party is Michael Corleone, one of Vitos sons but he’s not in the Mafia business like all in his family he’s a soldier and a war-hero, with him is his girlfriend Kay. Vito's godson, Johnny Fontane, arrives, sings, and meets with his godfather in his office. There Johnny asks him to get him a part in a movie, but the producer of the movie doesn’t want him in the movie because Johnny broke the heart of a very good actress that the producer had been training since she was a little girl.
Vito sends Tom Hagen, his son and consigliere, consiglieri is a lawyer for the whole mafia-family, to Hollywood to meet with producer, Jack Woltz. They eat dinner and Woltz shows him a horse he had recently bought for 600,000 dollars. Tom asks Woltz to give Johnny a part in the movie but Woltz refuses then Tom Suddenly leaves back to New York. This leads to the famous scene where Woltz wakes up with the head of the horse in his bed, later Vito recieves flowers and a letter where Johnny tells him that he got the part.
Sollozzo who is an associate of the Tattaglia Family, which is another family in New York, approaches the Corleone Family. He asks them to become partners in a drug operation. All Viro has to do is hand out one million dollars which would get trippled. Vito gets suspicious and declines. Later Vito sends Luca Brazi to talk to the Tattaglia’s and try to find out what was going on. The Tattaglia's and Sollozzo respond, they kill Luca Brazi and try to murder vito, but Vito survives despite being shot five times in the chest.
Michael Corleone rushes home as soon as he hears the news and to the hospital to check on his father. When Mike arrives there are nobody guarding his father, he phones home and tells them to send some guards. On his way out he meets Enzo the baker and they go out and stand in the lobby pretending to have guns. Somebody phones the police and when they arrive Mike asks the police captain, Mr. McCluskey why the guards were kicked out of the hospital and what Sollozzo pays him for killing his father, the captain refuses badly and punches Mike very hard. Michael's brother, Sonny, arrives with his crew to pick up Michael and protect Vito. Michael and Sonny return to the family estate to have a meeting. In the meeting, Michael decides that the Family's best response is to assassinate McCluskey and Sollozzo. Mike volunteers to do the hit himself.
One night Mike Goes on a meeting with Sollozzo and McCluskey. During the meeting Mike asks for a permission to go to the toilet, there Mike picks up a gun Sonny had placed in there. He goes out shoots them both and kills them. Later Vito comes home from the hospital and finds out that Mike had killed them. Mike goes to Sicily until the family has cleared him of all charges. While Mike is in Sicily he meets a girl named Apollonia and gets married. She is killed by men trying to assassinate Michael.
At home Sonny tries to protect his sister that got beaten up by her husband and gets gunned down because of it. Vito arranges a meeting between the most powerful Mafia chiefs from around the country. There Vito and Philip Tattaglia amend their bad relationship and Vito tells them that he is going to bring Michael home and nobody is going to kill him. When Mike arrives back home he meets up with Kay and they get married. Vito explains to his sons and consigliere that Michael is now the head of the Corleone family. Mike explains to everybody that he’s going to get the don of every rival family killed and that the Family is moving to Nevada. Vito tells Michael that one from his family will betray him. Later Vito is playing with his grandson and gets an heart-attack and dies. At the funeral, Michael learns that Tessio and Carlo, his brother, are going to betray him. Later when Michael becomes godfather to his nephew while his men are assassinating the Dons.
Michael has Tessio and Carlo killed and moves the family to Nevada. Kay asks Michael if he murdered Carlo, his own brother! Michael swears that he did not, but she gets suspicious when she sees three of his capoes enter his office, embrace him, kiss his hand and address him as “Don Corleone”. THE END
In my oppinion The Godfather is one of the best movies I’ve seen and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes good films.
“Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer”.
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Vito Corleone, The Godfather.