var að skoða og þar kemur þetta fram:
R1 - ?m ?s - four edits to violence which include:
1) The hotel shootout: This scene has a cut about 7 seconds, showing bloody bullet hits, when the two brothers are hanging on the rope.
2) Rocco shoots the Mafia-Guys in the bar: The headshot and the shot in the chest are cut away on the DVD. You only see the blood coming out of the back of the bench.
3) Shoot out in the pool-room: one scene is cut which shows several bullet hits in the body of the guy who opens the door.
4) Poolroom shootout: The guy that's holding the phone, standing in the back left corner gets shot twice. The second bullet hit is cut out.
R1 - ?m ?s - four edits to violence which include:
1) The hotel shootout: This scene has a cut about 7 seconds, showing bloody bullet hits, when the two brothers are hanging on the rope.
2) Rocco shoots the Mafia-Guys in the bar: The headshot and the shot in the chest are cut away on the DVD. You only see the blood coming out of the back of the bench.
3) Shoot out in the pool-room: one scene is cut which shows several bullet hits in the body of the guy who opens the door.
4) Poolroom shootout: The guy that's holding the phone, standing in the back left corner gets shot twice. The second bullet hit is cut out.
R2 - No cuts
Þannig að þú hlýtur að vera með R1 … right ?