En jæja, í dag fékk ég mail frá Orlando Magic sem ég hef aldrei séð áður og gefur mér sem Orlando fan smá hugmynd um að þeir ætli sér eitthvað í sumar. Trade? Kaup? Hver veit. Gruna nú að Hill sé að samþykkja buy-out því það bendir allt til þess að ferill hans sé svo gott sem á enda (3 stórar aðgerðir og sífellt í endurhæfingu). Pointið með þessum kork er að sýna ykkur þetta mail so… Here is the mail:
I just wanted to take a short moment to apologize to our fans for the disappointing way in which our season ended. Be certain that the results were well below our aspirations, <b>and we intend to do everything in our power this off-season to better our team for 2003-2004.</b>
The results were particularly disappointing in light of the tangible excitement and enthusiasm that was building in our region through the first four games of the series. We greatly appreciate the tremendous fan support you've shown, and expect to do more to earn it in the future.
John Weisbrod
Chief Operating Officer
Orlando Magic
<br><br><b>“You too will come to understand fear, as I have”</b>
<i>-Pious Augustus-</i>
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