Búið er að samþykkja nýjar reglur í NBA deildinni. Sagt er að þessar reglur muni auka flæði í leik og vera meiri skemmtun fyrir áhorfendur. reglurnar fara í gang tímabilið 2001-2002.

Breitingarnar eru þessar:

1. Illegal defense guidelines will be eliminated in their entirety.

2. A new defensive three-second rule will prohibit a defensive player from remaining in the lane for more than three consecutive seconds without closely guarding an offensive player.

3. The time that a team has to advance the ball past midcourt will be reduced from 10 seconds to eight.

4. Brief contact initiated by a defensive player will be allowed if it does not impede the progress of the player with the ball.

(Tekið af NBA.com)