Ég á einn hvítan kött, kvk og hún er heyrnalaus.
Sagt er að það sé algengt að hvítir kettir eru heyrnalausir en vita einhverjir hér afhverju?
Og þeir sem eiga hvíta ketti, eru kettirnir heyrnalausir?
Very little information is available documenting deafness in various cat breeds. Deafness can result from effects of the dominant white (W) gene. A dominant piebald or white-spotting gene (S) is also found in various cat breeds (Pedersen, 1991; Searle, 1968), but there has been no report of deafness associated with its presence. Cats carrying the W gene are not always solid white, often having colored spots on their heads that may disappear with age.