Jæja ég er búinn að sjá að eitthver þorði að pósta texta eftir sig hérna þannig ég ætla ríða á vaðið. Þetta er reyndar á ensku þannig ég veit ekki hvort ég ætti að setja þetta hér en hérna kemur hann.
I see people in my head
they look at me as i was dead
when they talk to me i cry
because i realise i just died
I walk around my dying mind
There are loads of people there
they are all ready to dine
They look ready to die.
all alone in my mind x2
Im all alone in this world
the people dont want to see at me
there is noone talking to me
they are walking away from me
now my story has to end
because the people started to leave
but remember what i said
i didn't feel any pain in the end
all alone in my mind …..
endilega segið mér hvað ykkur finnst. Lagið kemur eftir seinna á rokk.is,