Hvar er hægt að fá quake 1 ?<br><br>I Hate 2 Waste 2 Shots on A Man - [.007.]BruskR
AQ - [.007.]BruskR
Soldat - [.007.]BruskR
Irc - BruskR
Real Life - BrúskuR & Gunnsi
<a href="http://www.thisisacryforhelp.com/deathquiz.htm“><img border=0 align=”LEFT“ width=200 height=140 src=”http://www.thisisacryforhelp.com/quiz/die/car.jpg“></a>I Will <b>Die in an Auto Accident</b>.<br>The last thing you remember is being thrown through you're windshield and face first into the hitch of the truck in front of you. Doing 80 in a 25 zone might have seemed impressive to the girl in the passengers seat.. to bad she died as well<br><a href=”http://www.thisisacryforhelp.com/deathquiz.htm">Find out how you will die, Take the Death Quiz now!</a