Joo have no skillz in any game
and still try to dissrespect our family name
We have never seen j00 do a thing
that can't b3 done with 800 ping
J00 say your'e black and act the same
but your'e white and skinny and have no fame
We can beat j00 in every thing
CoS j00 have too rap and can't even sing
J00 call uss campers j00 call us pigs
when realy j00 are just a bad mix
of wannab3 quakers and wannabe niggz
that have no skillz and have no jiggz
Your name means trash and so are j00
white punk that's a simple ph00
that want's t0 be black and want's t0 be cool
but everyone see that is a pure ph00l
So don't mess with the family don't mess with m3
CoS we have everything and won't let j00 b3
Italyans own j00 and always will man
So leave uss alone and stop while j00 can.
W0rds don't make j00 1337
DON does