Í dag kom út ný beta af Reaction Quake 3. Hún er á <a href="http://static.hugi.is/games/quake3/RQ3">http://st atic.hugi.is/games/quake3/RQ3</a>

Nýtt í þessari útgáfu er:

Headshot detection has been reworked to be more accurate.
Binding IRVision in the user interface works properly now.
The possibility to fire your grenades very quickly has been fixed.
Lasersights will shine through non-breakable glass.
The semi-automatic pistol fires faster.
Knife locational damage works correctly now.
Knife trajectory adjusted slightly.
Getting stuck in certain areas such as the area under the steps in tequila has been fixed.
Kevlar no longer helps against thrown knives.
Bandage code bleeds properly which means 3-4 second deaths from a sniper shot to the stomach.
Bandaging clears the last attacker which means there will be no more falling to your death after bandaging and giving someone a frag.
Weapon sounds will play even if cg_drawgun is off.
The possibility to stick in a player when spawning has been fixed.
Many fixes to the grenade and knife animations.
Bandaging with the knife as the current weapon now uses the correct disarm animation.
The M4 delay has been shortened when switching to it.
The weapons are now larger.
Weapons will not rotate on the ground after dropping them now.
The "You fragged [user]“ message didn't always show. It now will always show and has been made smaller and moved up higher on the screen.
The knife is now scaled when in flight and is much easier to see.
The knife slash should be much easier to attack with.
The M4 will shoot through people, except the chest if that person has a kevlar vest.
Multiple doors can be triggered if you are in their trigger area.
The sparks now ”ricochet“ properly off the wall.
The door trigger sizes match AQ2's now.
The grenade toss distance is now correct if you switch weapons while holding the grenade primed.

New features:
The main menu will now tell you why you have been kicked if a console variable is out of range.
Using devmap will no longer check console variables to make sure they are in the correct range.
The in-game browser filters non-RQ3 servers out.
Any player model that isn't grunt will be forced to ”grunt/resdog“.
Player model selection in the user interface is restricted to the ”grunt“ model.
Your SSG sniper rifle crosshair can be selected with CG_RQ3_SSGcrosshair.
Trigger_push, used for things such as bounce pads, will now default to no sound. The custom sound is key ”noise“ with the value being the sound played such as ”sounds/world/wind.wav".
CG_RQ3_strobe (default: off) has been added. Strobing is the effect added to weapons and items to make them glow.

Teamplay er rétt handan við hornið ;)