If writers wrote as carelessly as some people talk, then adhasdh asdglaseuyt[bn[ pasdlgkhasdfasdf.
hit |hit|
verb ( hitting ; past hit ) [ trans. ]
1 bring one's hand or a tool or weapon into contact with (someone or something) quickly and forcefully : the woman hit the mugger with her umbrella | [ intrans. ] use your words, but do not hit | the police hit out with billy clubs.
• accidentally strike (part of one's body) against something, often causing injury : she fainted and hit her head on the metal bedstead.
• (of a moving object or body) come into contact with (someone or something stationary) quickly and forcefully : a car hit the barrier.
• informal touch or press (part of a machine or other device) in order to work it : he picked up the phone and hit several buttons.
2 cause harm or distress to : the area has been badly hit by business closures.
• [ intrans. ] ( hit out) make a strongly worded criticism or attack : he hit out at suppliers for hyping their products.
• (of a disaster) occur in and cause damage to (an area) suddenly : the country was hit by a major earthquake.
• informal attack and rob or kill : if they're cops, maybe it's not a good idea to have them hit.
• informal be affected by (an unfortunate and unexpected circumstance or event) : the opening of the town center hit a snag.
3 (of a missile or a person aiming one) strike (a target) : the sniper fired and hit a third man.
• informal reach (a particular level, point, or figure) : his career hit rock bottom.
• arrive at (a place) : it was still night when we hit the outskirts of Chicago.
• informal go to (a place) : we hit a diner for coffee and doughnuts.
og af hverju á hann að vera eitthvað meiri forseti en aðrir því að hann er svartur
Gæjinn er legend því að hann er fyrsti negrinn til að sitja í hásætinu.
Negro is a term referring to people of Black African ancestry. Prior to the shift in the lexicon of American and worldwide classification of race and ethnicity in the late 1960s, the appellation was accepted as a normal neutral formal term both by those of Black African descent as well as non-African blacks. Now it is often considered an ethnic slur although the term is considered archaic and is not common as a racist slur. The term is still used in some contexts for historical reasons such as in the name of the United Negro College Fund. “Negro” means “black” in Spanish, Portuguese, ancient Italian[6] and the French “noir” as well as the Italian “nero” - all of which derive from the Latin niger (i.e. “black”).
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
rac'ist adj. & n.
Svo sem ekki gera grín að konum í návist VINSTRISINNAÐRA eða feminista, oftast það sama að vísu, við vitum öll að þetta eru HÚMORSLAUSAR verur.