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Mexíkanar (Spics)
Why aren't there any spics on Star Trek?
They won't work in the future either!
What do you call a building full of spics?
A jail!
What do you call two mexicans playing basketball?
Juan on Juan!
How do you kill a mexican?
Throw a quarter off a cliff.
How do you find the richest spic in town?
Drop a penny, whoever catches it is the richest spic!
A mexican and a nigger are riding in car . . who's driving?
A cop!
How do you hide money from a mexican?
Hide it under a bar of soap!
How do you start a mexican parade?
Roll a quarter down the street!
Svertingjar (Niggers):
Why do niggers always have sex on their minds?
Because they have pubes on their heads!
What do you call two blacks on one bike?
Organized crime!
What happened to the nigger who had an abortion?
Crime Stoppers sent her a check for $500!
Why don't nigger bitchs wear panties to picnics?
To keep the flies away from the chicken!
Why does L.A. have so many fags and N.Y. so many niggers?
L.A. had first choice!
Why did God give niggers big dicks?
As a way to say “sorry” for putting pubes on their heads!
What do Nikes and the KKK have in common?
They both make niggers run fast!
Why don't nigger babies play in sandboxes?
Cats keep trying to bury them!
What did God say when he made the first nigger?
Oops! I put the pubes on his head!
Why don't niggers like blow jobs?
Niggers don't like ANY jobs!
What did God say when he made the second nigger?
Oops! Burnt another one!
Why does Stevie Wonder always smile?
He doesn't know he's black.
What's the definition of Mass Confusion?
Fathers day in Harlem!
What do you call two blacks in a bodybag?
Why are there only 2 pall bearer at a niggers funeral?
A garbage can only has two handles!
Why do niggers and spics always have nice clothes, jewelry and cars but still live in shitty houses?
They haven't figured out how to steal houses yet!
Why can't Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder read?
They're niggers!
What's 8 miles long and has a combined IQ of 56? The Martin Luther King Day parade!
What's long and hard on a nigger?
Third grade.
A nigger with a parrot walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Hey, where did you get that?”
The parrot says, “Africa! There are millions of them over there just sitting around”
What do you call a black man in high school?
What do you call a black priest?
Holy shit!
How long does it take a nigress to take a shit?
9 months
What's the difference between a large pizza and a nigger?
A pizza can feed a family of four.
A little nigger was helping it's grandma in the kitchen, spilling some flour on his face he looked up and said, “Look grandma! I'm a white boy now!” His grandma whooped his ass and told him to go tell his mom what he'd said. He goes into the living room and says, “Look momma! I'm a white boy now!”
His mom whoops his ass and tells him to go tell his father what he'd told her. He walks outside and says, “Look pappy! I'm a white boy now!” His father whoops his ass and then asks him what he learned. He says, “I've only been white for five minutes and I already hate you fucking niggers!”
Why don't niggers like barn dances?
Everytime they hear there's a ‘hoe down’ they think their sister got shot!
Why'd the nigger have shit in his wallet?
For I.D.
Did you know Oprah and Stevie Wonder both had the same nick name in school?
It was nigger!
What's 6 ft tall, black and screams?
Stevie Wonder answering the iron!
Gyðingar (Jews):
Whats the difference between a jew and a pizza?
The pizza doesnt scream when you put it in an oven!
What happens when a Jew with an errection walks into a wall?
He breaks his nose.
What's Hitlers least favorite planet?
What's faster than a speeding bullet?
A jew with a coupon.
Hommar (Fags):
How do you know if you're at a gay picnic?
The hotdogs taste like shit!
Four fags are sitting in a hot tub. They notice some sperm rising to the surface. One fag says, “Ok, who farted?”
What's the difference between a refridgerator and a fag?
The fridge doesn't fart when you pull the meat out!
What did one gay sperm say to the other?
How are we ever gonna find an egg in all this shit?
What does AIDS stand for?
Anally Injected Death Sentence.
Arabar (Arabs):
When is the only time you can spit in a Persian womans face?
When her mustache is on fire!
What do you call a peice of sandpaper in Afghanistan?
A map!
What do you call a guy with his hand up a camels ass?
An Afghani mechanic!
Why is the Afghan air force so easy to train?
You only have to teach them how to take off!
Já vona að þið hafið haft gaman af ;D