Nýju nágrannar mínir eru negrar!!! Það pirrar mig svo mikið, að ég fór yfir, skeit á tröppurnar, hringdi bjöllunni og sagði ; Sonur ykkar er bráðnaður !!

Hver er munurinn á dauðum ketti út á miðri götu og svertingja dauðum út á miðri götu?
Það eru bremsuför fyrir framan köttinn.

Af hverju borða hákarlar ekki svertingja?
Þeir halda að þeir séu hvalaskítur.

Af hverju er vond lykt af svertingjum?
Svo blindir geti hatað þá líka.

Hvernig kemuru í veg fyrir að negri drukkni?
Tekur fótinn af hnakkanum á honum.

Hvernig nærðu negra niðrúr tré?
Skerð á reipið.

Hvað fá negrakrakkar í jólagjöf?
Hjólið þitt

Af hverju leika negrakrakkar sér ekki í sandkassanunm?
Kettirnir reyna alltaf að grafa sandi yfir þá.

Hver er munurinn á negra og körfubolta?
Banað að sparka í körfuboltann.

Af hverju ganga negrar um með kúk í veskinu?

Hvað kallaru einn hvítan mann með 4 negrum í bíl?

Hvað kallaru einn hvítan mann með 20 negrum?

Hvað kallaru einn hvítan mann með 500 negrum?

Hver eru verstu 3 árin í lífi negra?
1. Bekkur

Af hverju geyma negrar hænur í bakgarðinum sínum?
Til að kenna börnunum sínum að labba.

Hvað kallaru negra á hjóli?

What do you call 50 niggers at the bottom of the ocean?
Good start.

What is a nigger?
Proof that skunks fuck monkeys.

A nigger and a spic jump off the Empire State Building, who hits the ground first?
Who cares.

How many niggers does it take to pave a driveway?
One if you spread him real thin.

What's the difference between dog shit and niggers?
When dog shit gets old it turns White and quits stinking.

Why is Stevie Wonder always smiling?
He doesn't know he's black.

How long does it take a nigger bitch to take a shit?
9 months.

What's the difference between a nigger and a bag of shit?
The bag.

What do you call Mike Tyson with no arms?
Niger nigger nigger.

Why do police dogs lick their ass?
To get the taste of nigger out of their mouth.

Why does California have fags and New York have niggers?
California got first pick.

Why are niggers like sperm?
Only one in a million actually work.

What do you get when you cross a nigger with a gorilla?
A dumb gorilla.

What is the difference between Batman and a black man?
Batman can go out at night without Robin.

Why do niggers have flat noses?
That's where god put his feet when he was pulling off their tails.

Why do niggers call white people “honkies”?
That's the last sound they hear before the white people run them over. 4

What do you do if you run over a nigger?
Reverse and do it again.

What do you say to a black man in uniform?
“I'll have a Big Mac, fries, and a coke.”

Why do decent white folks shop at nigger yard sales?
To get all their stuff back.

What's black and tan and looks good on a nigger?
A Doberman Pinscher.

What does N.A.A.C.P stand for?
Niggers Are Always Causing Problems.

Why was golf invented?
So white people get a chance to dress like niggers.

What do you do if you see a nigger with one hand?
Stop laughing and reload.

Why did god give niggers rhythm?
Because he fucked up their hair, nose and lips.

What's black, orange, and very pretty?
A nigger on fire.

What do you have if you've got a nigger up to his neck in cement?
Not enough cement.

What do a nigger and an apple have in common?
They both look good hanging from a tree.

Why are niggers always buried 12 feet deep?
Deep down they're good people.

What do you say when you see your T.V. floating around at night?
“Drop it nigger.”

What's yellow and black and makes you laugh ?
A bus full of niggers going over a cliff.

How do you stop a nigger from drowning?
You don't.

What's a crying shame?
When a bus full of niggers drives off a cliff and there were 3 empty seats.

(Tekið víðs vegar af netinu.)